X-Wing (T65-B)
Who Flies It: The X-wing fighter is known across the galaxy asthe starship of choice for the Rebel Alliance. Seen throughout the original trilogy, the most famous of the X-wing pilots is none other than Luke Skywalker. Luke Skywalker was piloting one of these ships when he fired the shot that blew up the original Death Star. Strengths:The X-wing is ideal for dogfighting. It's capable of firing blasts from its laser cannons,as well as shootingproton torpedoes. Even though it's a small ship built for dogfighting, it's equipped with hyperdrive capabilities, unlike the cheaper TIE fighters. Weaknesses:The X-wing is more durable than a TIE fighter but less maneuverable and not quite as fast.
870 votes
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Millennium Falcon
Who Flies It: The Millennium Falcon is the most famous hunk o' junk in the galaxy. Originally flown by LandoCalrissian, it gained notoriety in the hands of Han Solo and his hairy co-pilot Chewbacca. The Falcon played a key role in the destruction of both the first and second Death Star. Strengths:As a smuggling ship, the Falcon features plenty of compartments to hide whatever illicit goods its owners might want to clandestinely transportacross the galaxy. Han Solo likes to brag that it's the fastest ship in the galaxyand that it completed the Kessel run in 10 parsecs. As savvy fans know, parsecs are units of measurement, and the special thing about the Falcon isn't its speed (though it is equipped with a faster than normal hyperdrive) -it's its navigational computer. The Millennium Falcon may be huge, but it can hold its own in a dogfight, as well. The turret system requires a second person to operate, but it does allow for 360 degrees of damage. Weaknesses:Although the Millennium Falcon is typically piloted by expert fliers, its weaknesses are rarely shown. Itis a lumbering hunk of junk with a lot of surface area to hit. It's also chock-full of after-market modifications, and these modifications have a tendency to completely fail at inopportune moments.
764 votes
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Slave I
Who Flies It: The Slave Iwas flown by Jango Fett before being passed down to his son, Boba. Basically, for decades, the arrival of the Slave Iinto a planet's atmosphere has meantsomeone is about to be hunted by one of the greatest bounty hunters in the galaxy. Strengths:The Slave I is basically thestarship equivalent of the Fett family'sown Mandalorian armor. It's incredibly durable, highly modified, and filled with various weapons (both hidden and otherwise). An interesting feature of the Slave I is its cockpit-gyro system that allows the pilot to stay upright regardless of the ship's rotation. Weaknesses:The Slave I is a great all-purpose vehicle, similar to the Millennium Falcon, but it's not as capable in a dogfighting scenario as specific fighter ships like the X-wing or TIE fighter.
748 votes
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Darth Vader's TIE Advanced Fighters
Who Flies It: Sometimes, a legion of Stormtroopers just aren't able to get the job done on their own, and Darth Vader decides that he needs to get his hands dirty. In those rare instances, the Dark Lord of the Sith breaks out his TIE Advanced fighter, a suped-up variant of the Empire's typical TIE fighters. Strengths:Unlike the TIE fighters flown by the more dispensable Stormtroopers, Vader's TIE fighter is equipped with shields, a life support system, and a hyperdrive. Weaknesses:Thanks to its modifications, the TIE Advancedis not as quick or maneuverable as the standard TIE. This (alongside the obvious need to protect Vader) is why the TIE Advancedis always seen alongside an escort of two standard TIE fighters. These normal TIEs may be required to help shake off an X-wing or two.
613 votes
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Naboo N-1 Starfighter
Who Flies It:The N-1 starfighter is the workhorse of Naboo's defense fleet and marries the planet's elegant, artistic side with expert craftsmanship. Built on-planet, these starfighters are used by the Royal Guards when breaking the Trade Federation blockade and for escorting Queen Amidala on diplomatic missions. Strengths:With blaster cannons, proton torpedoes, and an astromech-assisted hyperdrive built into the fighter, the N-1 is an all-around star with a top speed of 1100 kph that puts most fighters of its era to shame. Weaknesses:While asthetically pleasing and perfect for pageantry, the standard N-1's bright yellow and chrome design doesn't serve missions that require stealth. Pilots have to rely on their speed to evade attackers in dogfights becuase there are few settings where they will blend in.
492 votes
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Jedi Starfighter (Eta-2Actis-Class Light Interceptor)
Who Flies It: TheEta-2Actis-class light interceptoris a starship designed for the Jedi Knights of the Republic to fly while leading the clone armies into battle towards the end of the Clone Wars. This model of starfighter isfamously flown by Anakin Skywalker and Obi-Wan Kenobi in their attempt to rescue the chancellor in the opening sequenceof The Revenge of the Sith. Strengths:The Eta-2 Actis-class light interceptor is an incredibly small ship that packs a large punch. It is considerably faster and more powerful than the previous Jedi starfighter Obi-Wan can be seen piloting in Attack of the Clones. Weaknesses:Unlike the X-wing fighters the Rebel Alliance would later use as their main combat vehicle, the Jedi starfighters were incapable of achieving hyperspace travel without the assistance of an external hyperdrive ring.
577 votes
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